
Managing the cloud can be difficult, especially if a company has multiple clouds. Let us help you understand and manage your cloud services to ensure you maximise the cost savings benefits, ensure compliance and more.

Some of the key benefits of cloud such as reduced cost and increased uptime is obtained through the manage function. We focus on helping manage the risks and the costs through security management, proactive cost management and support automation. We can help enable your existing team or manage it on your behalf.

Key services are:

User & Security Management

The cloud can be extremely secure or it can be extremely open if it isn’t setup correctly. Given the complexity, solid governance and policies are essential to ensure your data and your customers data is safe.

Key Services are:

  • Building zero trust networks
  • Proactive policy management
  • Ongoing identity and access management
  • Security and threat analysis

Cost Management

Many organisations that have established a workload in cloud are focused on operational cost optimisation. Building this into the operations process is an important governance aspect. Organisations have saved up to 50% of an unmanaged operational compute cost if they address some of the basics.

Key Services are:

  • Retrospective monitoring (observability)
  • Proactive alerting
  • Cost optimisation
  • Resource management
  • Organisational billing

Site Reliability Engineering

The traditional support model is changing as is the type of resources you have performing support. Focus on having engineering skills within the operations team to help with automation and removal of recurring tasks.

Key Services are:

  • Re-engineering support teams
  • NoOps automation

Managed Services

If you wish to outsource, we can also offer you the essential IT resources needed to keep your business up and running and give you peace of mind as your business systems are being proactively managed.

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Technology Platforms
